Thursday, March 31, 2011

The next project

So, we're getting ready to wrap up the first month of our project.  As it stands our lock picking site has done well for one month.  Because of our own failure to research as thoroughly as we should have, we're limited in what we can sell.  But for one month we're pretty happy with our search rankings and we've made a couple of sales.  (Mind you that it's not enough to retire on - or even to bother splitting between the group.)

But it's off to the next project.  I won't be divulging all of our strategy here (and neither will all of those sites that you pay big money for either.)  For our next project we'll be selling thermal imaging equipment.  You might wonder what these are.  They are heat detectors that will show you whether someone is hot or cold.  They are big for detecting energy leaks in your home.  Also, if you're into that sort of thing, they are supposedly used to detect ghosts because they might give off cold or something.  I can't say that I'm a believer in that kind of stuff.

For the next month we'll be focusing on thermal imaging and doing some routine maintenance work on the lock picking site.  And then there's no telling what we'll do next month.  Our plan for the moment though is to work on one site a month with some of the work outsourced so that we can move faster.

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